CoCoNet is a tool for the visualization, construction and conversion of neural network models. CoCoNet supports ONNX and pyTorch formats using the operators in the VNN-LIB standard. This guide shows how to install, setup and use CoCoNet for the exchange of neural network models.
CoCoNet can be executed on any system running Python >= 3.9 The instructions below have been tested on Windows, Ubuntu Linux, Mac OS x86 and ARM-based Mac OS.
The packages required in order to run CoCoNet are the pyNeVer
API and the PyQt6 framework, which can be installed via PIP
pip install pynever PyQt6
After the installation, you can run CoCoNet from the root directory
python CoCoNet/
Since the Python packages needed are incompatible with "Python for ARM Platform" you can install miniforge for arm64
(Apple Silicon) and create a x86 Python virtual environment.
Create a new environment using Python 3.9.5 and activate it
$ conda create -n myenv python=3.9.5
$ conda activate myenv
You can now run PIP for installing the libraries and run CoCoNet
$ pip install pynever PyQt6
$ python CoCoNet/
Note that each time you want to run CoCoNet you'll need to activate the Conda environment.
python CoCoNet/ -h
shows the possible command-line instructions available.